Monday, February 8, 2010

February 8, 2010

Bell Ringer
-Grimike's argument in support of women's rights was that the rights needed to be examined to be understood and asserted.

Reform Movement Review

Directions: Under each complete the phrase, answer the question, fill in the blank, or define the definition.

Describe the expansionist movement:

In 1820, Mexico claimed it’s independence from Spain, so Americans take it as an opportunity to take lands like Texas and California.

Describe Manifest Destiny and what people used it to justify:

Manifest Destiny was a term which meant Destined by God and people used it to take land, claiming it was Manifest Destiny that God wanted the US to own all of North America, so the US expanded west.

Describe the Temperance Movement:

The US expanded as well as crime, sickness, and poverty. Many of the problems attributed to alcohol. Temperance meant drinking in moderation which some pushed for even though others pushed for Prohibition.

Describe the Abolition Movement:

The Abolition Movement was a movement against slavery based of moral grounds.

Describe the Education Reform Movement:

There were no public schools in colonial times, there for many did not go to school. Reformers wanted to start a school system funded by tax money. Horace Mann started the state board in Massachusetts.

Describe the Reform Movement for Women’s rights including the Seneca Falls Conference

Starting in 1820 with the North industrializing, women had new opportunities to work outside homes. The Seneca Fall Convention was organized by Elizabeth Stanton and adopted a Declaration of Sentiments on woman’s rights.

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