Thursday, February 4, 2010

February 4, 2010

War of 1812 Review

Directions: Under each complete the phrase, answer the question, fill in the blank, or define the definition.

How does the US become involved in the war between GB and the French?

The US participated in re-export trade by picking up goods in the West Indies, taking them to the US, and then shipping them to France to circumvent the British shipping restrictions, the British were also taking American sailors and forcing them to work in the British Navy.


Many thought impressments insulted the US, and threatened the economy. After the British attack an American warship, many called for action.

What initial action does Jefferson take in war between GB and France to protect the US?

Jefferson persuaded congress to declare an embargo or suspending of trade by ordering ships to stay in port. It did not work because the British found alternative trading partners.

Describe the Congressional Action that pushes the US to war:

War Hawks denounced impressments of US sailors and British support of Indians. They also pushed for war with Great Britain and invasion of Canada.

What does Madison ask Congress to do?

Madison urges congress to declare war on Great Britain, and Congress follows through in June of 1812.

Describe the initial actions of the US in the War of 1812:

The US invaded in 1812 and 1913 many times but were turned away due to their lack of training.

Describe US action along fronts other than the Canadian:

The US Navy performed well capturing several British ships and defeated the Indians within their own territory.

What happens in the War when GB’s war with Napoleon ends?

Thousands of British troops became free to fight in North America, took offensive in Maine, New York, Maryland, and New Orleans.

Describe the end of the war including the writing of the star spangled banner:

Britain suffered defeat in Baltimore where Francis Scott Keys wrote the Star Spangled Banner.

What battle makes Jackson a hero?

New Orleans.

Exit Ticket
School, Shirt, iPod, Computer

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