Tuesday, February 23, 2010

February 23, 2010

Bell Ringer
-Lee may have thought he had to go into the north to win the war because he felt he had to
demoralize the Union Army.
Clip Question
-Why was the Southern charge on the third day of Gettysburg such a poor strategy?
-Because the South was no longer fighting on a defensive campaign and pretty much fought
how the North did at Fredricksburg.
Civil War Part 4 Review
1. Describe why Lee makes the move to Gettysburg:
-Lee moves north to demoralize the Union Army and lead to victory.
2. Describe Gettysburg Day 1:
-Lee's troops encounter Federal Calvery to the northwest of Gettysburg, so the Feds called for
support. The Confederate troops pushed the Union troops down hill and stopped the advance
at night fall which allowed Meade to bring in reinforcements.
3. Describe Gettysburg Day 2:
-Lee orders General Longstreet to attack from the south end of the battle line, and is met by a
Union force which left Little Round Top, and the rebels could not break through. The rebels
also tried to take Little Round Top but were defeated by a unit led by Neville Chamberlain.
4. Describe Gettysburg Day 3:
-Lee gave one last attempt by first opening in the morning with heavy cannon fire meant to
break up Union troops, then ordered a full frontal assault on Cemetery Ridge. Union cannon
cannon and musket fire rained down on the Confederate troops ending Gettysburg, this was
known as Pickett's Charge.
5. Describe the Gettysburg Address:
-In November of 1863, Lincoln went to Gettysburg and gave a short speech honoring the dead
and described the war as a struggle to fulfill the Declaration of Independence.
Exit Ticket
If Jackson had been at Gettysburg, would the outcome of the battle been different? Why?
-It may have been different because General Jackson was never known to stop assault, so he
would have probably kept applying fire after nightfall.

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