Wednesday, February 10, 2010

February 10, 2010

Bell Ringer
-To be in the middle of such a battle would be traumatizing. Waking up to gun and cannon fire at
two in the morning would be something unforgettable.

Mexican American War Movie Questions
-The location of the Alamo was important to both Santa Anna, the Texians, and Tejanos because
the it was closer to the North where the settlers wanted to settle in but Santa Anna wanted to
keep the are under control.

-The battle at the Alamo, the Mexican Army showed they would show no mercy, however, the
rebels used it as a motivation to defeat the Mexican Army.

-The significance of the Battle of the Alamo at the time was that the rebels would not give up on
the war even if they had to fight the Mexican Army. It is important now because Texas would
not be a state if the rebels woulod have given up.

Mexican American War Review

Directions: Under each complete the phrase, answer the question, fill in the blank, or define the definition.

Why was there tension between Mexicans and the American settlers to Texas?

To Americans, Texas became a target only to expand the States. To defend the province, Mexico offered cheap land grants to Americans who agreed to become Mexican citizens.

Describe the Battle of the Alamo and why it was fought?

Santa Ana led an attack against the fort Alamo to crush the rebellion. He eventually overtakes it and kills all that are left behind except the women and children.

Describe Sam Houston’s defeat of Santa Ana:

Describe the US’s annexation of Texas:

Describe how Polk provokes the Mexican’s into war:

Describe the Military aspects of the Mexican American War:

Describe what the US gets from the Treaty ending the Mexican American War:

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