Friday, February 5, 2010

February 5, 2010

Bell Ringer
-The women work in the Lowell Mill for 12 and a half hours a day. I think it would have a positive effect on the young through developing self discipline.

Industrial Rev Review

Directions: Under each complete the phrase, answer the question, fill in the blank, or define the definition.

Describe advances in road construction:

Some states started turnpikes which were toll roads where toll was a way to pay for road improvements.

Describe advances in water transportation:

The invention of the steamboat sped up transportation in the water by powering paddles with steam.

Why is the Eerie Canal important?

It connected the Hudson River with Lake Erie and funneled goods through New York City making it an industrial center.

Describe advances in railroads:

Railroads began to appear in the US in the 1820’s. They were beneficial because their cost was less than of ships, moved faster than ships, and could carry more weight.

Describe advances in industry including Samuel Slater:

In 1793 Samuel Slater leaves England and builds the first water powered textile mill from memory. In 1813 after touring England, Francis Lowell opens a fully operational mill where the aspects of clothes were made.

Describe the inventions of Sam Morse and Eli Whitney:

Eli Whitney introduced interchangeable parts which allowed factories to use identical parts in place of another. Sam more invented the electric telegraph which allowed long distance communication.

Why did the Cotton Gin expand slavery?

Because the cotton gin increased profit cotton, and increased production, which increased the need of slaves to pick the cotton.

Web Quest Unit 1 Words

1. missionary
a. someone sent from a church to do educational or hospital work.
2. viceroy
a. someone elected to rule a nation.
3. Northwest Passage
a. A ship route going through the arctic coast which joins the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
4. Samuel De Champlain
a. The French navigator who found Quebec city
5. charter
a. a document laying out someone’s conditions which they’re organized and their rights.
6. joint stock company
a. association between individuals in business with transferable shares of stock.
7. Powhatan
a. Indian confederacy based in Virginia.
8. House of Burgess
a. An elected lower house which is part of the legislative branch.
9. Royal Colony
a. A colony ruled by officials elected by and responsible for maintaining power of the parent state.

1 comment:

  1. Post shows some undertanding of topic. Answers to questions are correct but not in depth.4/5
    Student used their class time wisely to post as many of their assignments as possible. Assignment shows the necessary Bell Ringer, Exit Ticket, Completed Review, and Long Term Progress 5/5
