Thursday, February 25, 2010

February 25, 2010

Bell Ringer
-Douglas sais the Union has been fighting slavery.

Civil War Part 6 Review

Directions: Under each complete the phrase, answer the question, fill in the blank, or define the definition. Where it says from a certain number that tells you what number it is from in your notebook.

What did Union do when came across African Americans early in the war?

When the Union crossed American Americans early in the war, they either put them to work or freed them.

What is Emancipation Proclamation?

A plan put together by Lincoln to free all slaves, which went into effect on September 22, 1862, and it freed the states in rebellion.

Why does Lincoln issue proclamation?

Lincoln was hoping the CSA would surrender before the Emancipation Proclamation went into effect.

What effect does proclamation have?

It had mixed reactions in the North, but it made the Civil War about eliminating slavery.

How African Americans participated in the war:

The Union began making all black regiments with white officers. However they were paid less, assigned menial tasks, longer guard duty, and placed in exposed positions.

Describe Life in North during War:

The lack of cotton hurt the textile industry, but others began making war supplies and income tax was introduced to wage the war, and tariffs were also raised.

Describe Life in South During War:

The economy was bad because they had no money, and were lacking recourses. Union blockade forced the south to rely on their own farms and factories, so both the military and citizens were suffering.

Describe Life of Soldiers during the War:

Shoes were in an unmet demand in the south, and supplies had to be recovered from the dead to continue, but it gave many of the soldiers a travel experience. Some of the soldiers would be fighting against their own families.

Describe Life of Women during the War

With the men away at work, women took over the family businesses and plantation work, some even disguised as men so they could fight in the war. The most notable role of women during the war was as nurses.

Exit Ticket


  1. Post shows some undertanding of topic. Answers to questions are correct but not in depth.4/5
    Post Shows shows some effort to use their class time wisely. Most assignments are complete but there is no long term progress 4/5

  2. Most Post show a depth of understanding of the topic. Answers to questions are complete and in depth. 24 points
    Note Review Sheets are completed, but lack in depth descriptive answers 16 points
    The Id and Define Webquest is present but is under 50% complete 6 points
