Monday, March 29, 2010

March 29, 2010

Bell Ringer
-Charley Bull suggested that many men became hobos and often left on top of freight trains,
and it was dangerous, many people died.

Great Depression Part 2 Review

Directions: Under each complete the phrase, answer the question, fill in the blank, or define the definition.

How did GD affect cities?

Many ordinary people did not understand the stock market crash, however they did understand tat they were losing jobs and in a way everyone was affected by the Great Depression.

How did the unemployed live?

For workers, the hours were cut and eventually the job was completely lost. Many people went from factory to factory in search of work. Some families went to Bread lines and went into to homelessness as well, losing the American Dream.

How did GD affect farmers?

Prices fell, and drought ruined much of the soil and went even further into debt. Many even lost their farms and moved around the country and some others turned to being tenant farmers.

What other problems did farmers face?

With their farming techniques, farmers worsened their land and could not grow off of it with the drought. Many farmers and their families had to migrate elsewhere.

How did GD affect family life?

Some men felt ashamed and left their families, with this the birthrate dropped and women had to work hard to support their families. Some children stopped going to school and even ran away. Minorities suffered the hardest due to their economic status.

How did Hoover try to handle the depression?

He introduced a plan which relied heavily on volunteerism. The wealthy would’ve had to donate and asked business leaders to keep employees. It was not very successful.

Class Work
-It gave some sense of adventure

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