Tuesday, March 9, 2010

March 9, 2010

Immigrants and Indians Review

Directions: Under each complete the phrase, answer the question, fill in the blank, or define the definition.

Describe the process of immigrants coming to America:

Industry had brought immigrants from Ireland, Germany, and South and East Europe but they faced many rough conditions when coming to America. They only brought what they could carry, and illness spread. When the immigrants arrived to America, they had to stop at processing stations, for Europeans usually Ellis Island, and for Asians, San Fran at Angel Island. Very few of the immigrants were denied entry.

Describe Immigrant Life in the US:

Most of the immigrants to the US worked in factories and generally lived in neighborhoods with similar ethnicities, and faced discrimination because natural born Americans were thought to be superior, and the Chinese immigrants faced much hostility. Congress even passed the Chinese Exclusion Act. Another act by congress was passed which denied handicapped immigrants. However, many of the customs and traditions of the immigrants became a part of America.

Describe the Red River War:

The Red River War was a series of conflicts which lead to the defeat of the Southern plains Indians. In result, the southern plains opened up for white settlers and ended southern buffalo herds. The conflicts began because the US Government not being able to keep white buffalo hunters off Indian hunting grounds, food and supplies from the government failed to be delivered, and white lawlessness in their territory.

Describe the battle of Little Big Horn:

Prospecting of gold attracted white settlers into the Sioux hunting grounds in 1875, so Indian leaders Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse assembled the Indians to drive the whites out, the US Army was sent in to fight back. There were 2,000 Indian men fighting against 250 cavalry men. The cavalry was annihilated.

Describe the massacre at Wounded Knee:

Crazy Horse was captured by the US Army, but Sitting Bull had escaped into Canada, but his arrest was ordered in 1890 after he returned to curtail activities. He and many others were killed when confronted. Indians fled and the cavalry killed them when confrontation occurred at Wounded Knee.

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