Thursday, April 1, 2010

April 1, 2010

Bell Ringer
-FDR responds to the accusation that he feasts on a breakfast of grilled millionares in a comic

New Deal Part 2 Review

Directions: Under each complete the phrase, answer the question, fill in the blank, or define the definition.

Describe the Work Progress Administration:

This put people to work by working on civil projects or sponsoring art. It had to address problems with the elderly, poor, and the unemployed.

Describe the Social Security Act:

This act supplied pension for the elderly, started insurance for unemployment, work related accidents, and poverty stricken mothers, and disabled.

Describe how FDR favored Labor Unions in the New Deal:

He believed to get out the Great Depression, the standard of living had to be raised for industrial workers so the Wagner Act was passed. It recognized the rights to join labor unions.

Describe the problems FDR had with the SC and his solutions:

The Supreme Court had ruled many of Roosevelt’s projects unconstitutional, so in order to solve this he wanted to appoint six new judges which would take his side on the issues.

Describe the Effects of the New Deal:

The new deal gave many people hope, and changed the US government from taking the laissez faire approach to accepting responsibility and priming the economy. Also the US was turned into a welfare state.

Web Quest
1. 14 Points
a. A speech delivered by President Wilson intended to assure the country that the Great War was being fought for a moral cause.

1 comment:

  1. Post shows a depth of understanding of the topic. Answers to questions are complete and in depth. 5/5
    Post Shows shows some effort to use their class time wisely. Most assignments are complete but there is no long term progress 4/5
