Friday, March 26, 2010

March 26, 2010

Bell Ringer
-Because stocks were a chance to make more money because of the booming businesses.

Great Depression Part 1 Review

Directions: Under each complete the phrase, answer the question, fill in the blank, or define the definition.

How did Herbert Hoover win the election of 1828?

People were confident in him because of the booming economy and his past WWI accomplishments.

What things were going on in the 20’s that lead to the Great Depression?

Many farmers lost their property because they owed debt due to that they were producing too much due to the past war, wealthy families were making 50 times as much as the average family and the wealthy did not spend enough to keep the economy running, easy credit was sometimes never paid, the stock market crashed, and then citizens began taking their money out of the banks.

What was Black Tuesday? How did it happen?

October 29, 1929, the stock market completely crashed and Americans lost billions, many losing everything they had.

What effects did Black Tuesday have on the US?

It began the chain reaction which brought on the Great Depression, people became paranoid and took their money out of the banks.

How did the Depression spread globally?

There was an imbalance of international trade, and Germany had to pay the reparation payments. Much of the international economy had been funded by the US loans.

Class Work
-No it would not be fair to suggest the American economy stood "on thin ice" because there was
no sign of the tragedy occuring.
-There was benifit because those who could not afford something could purchase it with credit.

Exit Ticket
-The great depression was caused by other things than the crash of the stock market, farmers
were in debt, and rich families were 50 times greater than regular families.
Unit 3 Web Quest Words
1. Radical Republican
a. A political party from between 1854 to 1877 which was pro equal rights and wanted to reduce rights of ex confederates.
2. Wade-Davis bill
a. A bill created by the Radical Republican party for the re-admittance of the former CSA where the majority of a state had to take an oath that they never supported the Confederacy.
3. Freedman’s Bureau
a. A federal program which aided distressed refugees of the civil war.
4. Andrew Johnson
a. The 17th President of the US.
5. Fourteenth Amendment
a. A reconstruction policy which fully describes citizenship which excluded slaves from having constitutional rights.
6. Fifteenth amendment
a. The amendment which prohibits states from denying citizens the right to vote based off race or ethnicity.
7. scalawag
a. A southerner who worked with carpetbaggers.
8. carpetbagger
a. Northern demagogues who moved south during reconstruction.
9. sharecropping
a. When one allows farming on their land for a share of the produce.
10. Muckraker
a. One who exposes corruption of business or government to the public.
11. settlement house
a. A progressive reformist movement which was meant to bring the poor and rich closer together.
12. Jane Adams
a. The founder of the settlement house, also the second women to win the Nobel Peace Prize.
13. direct primary
a. An election which selects the candidates for a following election.
14. initiative
a. A petition signed by a certain amount of registered voters which will force a public vote.
15. referendum
a. A direct vote when a group of people are asked to accept or decline a proposal.
16. Recall
a. To summon the return of something.
17. Upton Sinclair
a. A Pulitzer Prize winning author most famous for writing “The Jungle”.
18. Jim Crow Laws
a. Laws enforced in southern states limiting the rights of black people.
a. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
20. Plessey v Ferguson
a. This case allowed segregation as long as the facilities were equal.
21. sphere of influence
a. an area which a state has significant economic, cultural, and military, or political influence
22. Rough Riders
a. The name given to the 1st United States Volunteer Calvary
23. Big Stick Diplomacy
a. The slogan describing president Theodore Roosevelt’s proposition to the Monroe Doctrine.
24. Roosevelt Corollary
a. An amendment to the Monroe Doctrine meant to stabilize economic affairs in small states in the Caribbean and Central America.
25. Thomas Edison
a. An American inventor who was granted over 1,000 patents and credited for inventing the long lasting light bulb.
26. monopoly
a. A level of control on a certain market that one can manipulate prices.
27. cartel
a. A syndicate or trust to regulate prices in a field of business.
28. John Rockefeller
a. An American industrialist who founded the Standard Oil Company and ran it until he retired.
29. trust
a. To invest or entrust in something.
30. Andrew Carnegie
a. An industrialist, business man, and entrepreneur.
31. Sherman Anti-Trust Act
a. This act required federal government to investigate and pursue trusts, the first federal regulation to limit monopolies.
32. collective bargaining
a. organized workers, usually unions, meeting to discuss the work conditions with their employers.
33. Samuel Gompers
a. A union leader who founded the American Federation of Labor.
34. Ellis Island
a. A federal facility which immigrants from Europe had to go through to be granted citizenship.
35. Wounded Knee
a. The final armed battle between the US and the Great Sioux Nation.
36. Francis Ferdinand
a. An Archduke of Austria whose assassination on June 28 1914 sparked WWI.
37. U-Boat
a. German submarines built in WWI and WWII
38. Lusitania
a. An ancient roman province which was all of Portugal and some of Spain.
39. Zimmerman Telegram
a. A coded telegram which was trying to convince Mexico to attack the US, and in return Germany would help the Mexicans reclaim some of their lost territory.
40. Selective Service Act
a. A military draft passed in 1917 by congress while Wilson was in office.
41. Woodrow Wilson
a. The 28th president of the United States,

1 comment:

  1. Post shows a depth of understanding of the topic. Answers to questions are complete and in depth. 5/5
    Student used their class time wisely to post as many of their assignments as possible. Assignment shows the necessary Bell Ringer, Exit Ticket, Completed Review, and Long Term Progress 5/5
