Friday, March 12, 2010

March 12, 2010

Bell Ringer
-Du Bois believed blacks had to demand civil rights while Washington believed blacks needed to
get an education and wait for the rights to come.
-Today leaders still have the demand or peacefully wait arguments on many different

Progressive Part 2 Movements Review

Directions: Under each complete the phrase, answer the question, fill in the blank, or define the definition.

Describe what a settlement house is:

A settlement house is a community center which provides services to the urban poor like childcare classes, education opportunities, English classes, and art classes for adults.

Who was the leading figure of the settlement house movement? Why?

Jane Adams was the leading figure of the settlement house movement. She opened Hull House in Chicago. It grew into 13 buildings and inspired many to pursue social work.

Describe Progressive Children’s reforms:

Progressives wanted to improve children’s lives which would cause laws regulating child labor, which didn’t come until 1938, and also for kids to be required to go to school until a certain age.

Describe Progressive Industrial Workers Reform: What was the leading cause of it?

The workers had long hours and were exposed to poor ventilation and hazardous fumes, and worked with unsafe machinery. So when a fire broke out at Triangle Shirt Factory on March 1911, it killed 146 workers because most of the exits were locked by the managers. Laws were passed regulating the conditions. Limits on hours were also passed but were than overturned by the Supreme Court.

Describe gov reforms during progressive era:

Because of poor planning with hurricane response in Texas, the city replaced the mayor and alderman with a 5 person committee. Many cities followed the example because it curbed the power of political bosses and political machines and allowed the government to purchase utilities curtailing some of the high rates.

Direct primary-

The direct primary took the choice out of party leaders and gave it to the people.


This would allow citizens to remove elected officials by voting.


This allowed students to vote or reject laws.


Gave people the power to propose laws by getting enough signatures. Then it would propose a new law on the ballot.

Jim Crow Laws-

Laws passed in the South to limit the rights of blacks, including voting, and segregation.

Plessey vs. Ferguson

The case of Plessey vs. Ferguson made segregation a reality.

Describe how the NAACP started and its mission

Riots over the possible lynching of black prisoners started the NAACP.

Class Work
-It is stating that the tax payers got nothing for what they paid for, and it didn't go toward
bettering the streets or the important things.

Exit Ticket

1 comment:

  1. Post shows a depth of understanding of the topic. Answers to questions are complete and in depth. 5/5
    Student used their class time wisely to post as many of their assignments as possible. Assignment shows the necessary Bell Ringer, Exit Ticket, Completed Review, and Long Term Progress 5/5
