Thursday, March 11, 2010

March 11, 2010

Bell Ringer
-Children were allowed to work the dangerous jobs then because there were no child labor laws
in place and children were the only ones who could reach certain places.

Progressive Part 1 Movements Review

Directions: Under each complete the phrase, answer the question, fill in the blank, or define the definition.

Where did the Progressive movement come from?

The Progressive movement came from all walks of life, mainly the middle class and dissatisfied industrial workers.

What were the goals of the progressive movement?

They wanted to bring women’s rights, eliminate political corruption, fix basic public services usually controlled by corrupt bosses, for government to regulate big business, create equal opportunity for small business, and reduce the gap between wealthy and poor

What is a muckraker?

A muckraker is a nickname given by Teddy Roosevelt to the journalists who were fascinated with the bad things in life. Many took offence to it at the beginning but later viewed it as a badge of honor.

Describe Ida Tarbell’s writing:

She described Rockefeller’s ruthless methods used to run off competitors, charge higher prices, and reap huge benefits.

What did Upton Sinclair write about? What influence did it have over gov?

Sinclair wrote about the horrible conditions of workers in Chicago stockyards, and meat packing facilities. It convinced congress to pass the first legislation regulating the food, meat, and drug industries.

Class Work
-The images reveal how the slums are neglected by the government.
-He wrote in a descriptive straight foward fashion.
-It boosts his credibility because he is releasing the truth of the conditions of the slums to all of
the Nation.

Exit Ticket
-I learned about the conditions of the old slums, how meat used to be carelessly handled, and
how a book put in many of the sanitiation laws that we have today.

1 comment:

  1. Post shows a depth of understanding of the topic. Answers to questions are complete and in depth. 5/5
    Student used their class time wisely to post as many of their assignments as possible. Assignment shows the necessary Bell Ringer, Exit Ticket, Completed Review, and Long Term Progress 5/5
