Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Other Settlements Review

Other Settlements Review

Directions: Under each complete the phrase, answer the question, fill in the blank, or define the definition.

Describe initial Spanish exploration of the New World:

The Spanish were in search of gold and other recourses and conquered the Inca’s, Mayan’s, and Aztecs during the process.

Describe Spanish exploration of what would become US including their treatment of Indians:

The Spanish waged war against the natives and massacred many tribes.

Describe French Exploration of the New World:

The French were in search of a “Fountain of Youth”

Describe French founding of New Orleans:

Describe Dutch Exploration in North America:

The Dutch founded modern day New York, and called it New Amsterdam.

Describe the discovery of Pennsylvania:
Pennsylvania was given to a Quaker and it was successful because the land was rich and good for farming.

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