Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Causes of Am Rev Part 2 Review

The Causes of Am Rev Part 2 Review

Directions: Under each complete the phrase, answer the question, fill in the blank, or define the definition.

Describe where the protest over new taxes got many of their ideas:

They took up ideas from John Locke which encouraged individual rights.

Describe what action the Stamp Act Congress took, and the British response to it:

The colonists began to unify and the amount of violence grew against the British, so the representatives of the colonies at the Stamp Act Congress to agree the boycott of British goods.

Describe the Boston Massacre and its causes:

Colonists hurled snowballs as well as rocks at British soldiers, so the soldiers returned fire killing 5.

Describe British response to the Boston Massacre:

In response to the Boston Massacre, the British removed most of the Townsend Acts, and soldiers, but the tax on tea remained to preserve the principle of Parliament supremacy.
Describe the Boston Tea Party and the British response to it:

Colonists dressed as Indians, and dumped British tea into the Boston Harbor. The British leaders closed the port, until the tea was paid for and sent troops and warships to take action, as well as passing the intolerable acts.

Describe the First Continental Congress and what policies came out of it:

The colonies sent representatives to Philadelphia for the First Continental Congress, and at this convention, it was agreed that all British goods would be boycotted and set up a system to enforce this.

1 comment:

  1. Need to see more than just review!Ansers to review are better though
