Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Am Rev Part 1 Review

Am Rev Part 1 Review

Directions: Under each complete the phrase, answer the question, fill in the blank, or define the definition.

Describe the beginning of the Am Rev:

The war broke out in Concord and Lexington, two towns west of Boston, the governor of Massachusetts had set troops to seize stockpiled weapons belonging to John Hancock and Sam Adams.

Describe the battle of Lexington:

British showed up in Lexington and ordered the militia to disperse, and they did but shots were still fired. Then the British marched into Concord and had a small skirmish and when they tried to return to Boston, the militia had hid behind trees on the road and killed the British.

Describe the actions of the Second Continental Congress:

The Continental Army was formed under General George Washington, even most wanted independence, some still wanted to stay a part of Britain.

Describe the book Common Sense and the affect it had on the colonies:
The book swings opinion to independence, it argued independence from Britain, and a republican government, and a union of stat

Describe the signing of the Dec of Independence:

The declaration was signed and the war began.

1 comment:

  1. Again ansers better except for last 1 but showing no progress on long term assignments
