Thursday, January 28, 2010

January 28, 2010

Bell Ringer: Madison says this because the situation in the states is bad.

A New Nation Part 1 Review

Directions: Under each complete the phrase, answer the question, fill in the blank, or define the definition.

Why did Congress want to revise the Articles of Confederation?

Because they wanted to have power to regulate trade and tax.

Describe the characteristics of the Constitutional Convention:

The Constitutional Convention was held in secret so delegates could speak freely, the windows were closed so it was hot, and included leading statesmen except Jefferson and Adams who were diplomats.

Describe the VA Plan:

The Virginia Plan was proposed by Madison and gave power to tax, and regulate trade. It proposed a government with three branches. It also included a executive with a 7 year term and states with larger populations have more members.

Describe the New Jersey Plan:

The New Jersey Plan was intended as only small changes to the Articles and was favored by small states. It gave power to tax and regulate trade as well. There was a executive committee rather than just one person. Maintained unicameral leg with each state getting one vote.

Describe the Connecticut Compromise:

The Connecticut Compromise ended stalemate over the Virginia and New Jersey plans. It called for government having power over tax and trade, bicameral legislature including 1 by population, 1 equal, and 1 executive.
Describe the 3/5 compromise:

A slave’s vote counted as 3/5 of a vote. This was because the south became concerned their vote would not count because the north had many more free people. The constitution forbids congress from blocking slave trade for 20 years. A slave counted as 3/5 a person in the population count. This also applied to taxes. All states were required to return runaway slaves to slave owners.

1 comment:

  1. Post shows a depth of understanding of the topic. Answers to questions are complete and in depth. 5/5
    Post Shows shows some effort to use their class time wisely. Most assignments are complete but there is no long term progress 4/5
