Thursday, January 28, 2010

January 28, 2010

Bell Ringer: Madison says this because the situation in the states is bad.

A New Nation Part 1 Review

Directions: Under each complete the phrase, answer the question, fill in the blank, or define the definition.

Why did Congress want to revise the Articles of Confederation?

Because they wanted to have power to regulate trade and tax.

Describe the characteristics of the Constitutional Convention:

The Constitutional Convention was held in secret so delegates could speak freely, the windows were closed so it was hot, and included leading statesmen except Jefferson and Adams who were diplomats.

Describe the VA Plan:

The Virginia Plan was proposed by Madison and gave power to tax, and regulate trade. It proposed a government with three branches. It also included a executive with a 7 year term and states with larger populations have more members.

Describe the New Jersey Plan:

The New Jersey Plan was intended as only small changes to the Articles and was favored by small states. It gave power to tax and regulate trade as well. There was a executive committee rather than just one person. Maintained unicameral leg with each state getting one vote.

Describe the Connecticut Compromise:

The Connecticut Compromise ended stalemate over the Virginia and New Jersey plans. It called for government having power over tax and trade, bicameral legislature including 1 by population, 1 equal, and 1 executive.
Describe the 3/5 compromise:

A slave’s vote counted as 3/5 of a vote. This was because the south became concerned their vote would not count because the north had many more free people. The constitution forbids congress from blocking slave trade for 20 years. A slave counted as 3/5 a person in the population count. This also applied to taxes. All states were required to return runaway slaves to slave owners.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Am Rev Part 1 Review

Am Rev Part 1 Review

Directions: Under each complete the phrase, answer the question, fill in the blank, or define the definition.

Describe the beginning of the Am Rev:

The war broke out in Concord and Lexington, two towns west of Boston, the governor of Massachusetts had set troops to seize stockpiled weapons belonging to John Hancock and Sam Adams.

Describe the battle of Lexington:

British showed up in Lexington and ordered the militia to disperse, and they did but shots were still fired. Then the British marched into Concord and had a small skirmish and when they tried to return to Boston, the militia had hid behind trees on the road and killed the British.

Describe the actions of the Second Continental Congress:

The Continental Army was formed under General George Washington, even most wanted independence, some still wanted to stay a part of Britain.

Describe the book Common Sense and the affect it had on the colonies:
The book swings opinion to independence, it argued independence from Britain, and a republican government, and a union of stat

Describe the signing of the Dec of Independence:

The declaration was signed and the war began.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Causes of Am Rev Part 2 Review

The Causes of Am Rev Part 2 Review

Directions: Under each complete the phrase, answer the question, fill in the blank, or define the definition.

Describe where the protest over new taxes got many of their ideas:

They took up ideas from John Locke which encouraged individual rights.

Describe what action the Stamp Act Congress took, and the British response to it:

The colonists began to unify and the amount of violence grew against the British, so the representatives of the colonies at the Stamp Act Congress to agree the boycott of British goods.

Describe the Boston Massacre and its causes:

Colonists hurled snowballs as well as rocks at British soldiers, so the soldiers returned fire killing 5.

Describe British response to the Boston Massacre:

In response to the Boston Massacre, the British removed most of the Townsend Acts, and soldiers, but the tax on tea remained to preserve the principle of Parliament supremacy.
Describe the Boston Tea Party and the British response to it:

Colonists dressed as Indians, and dumped British tea into the Boston Harbor. The British leaders closed the port, until the tea was paid for and sent troops and warships to take action, as well as passing the intolerable acts.

Describe the First Continental Congress and what policies came out of it:

The colonies sent representatives to Philadelphia for the First Continental Congress, and at this convention, it was agreed that all British goods would be boycotted and set up a system to enforce this.

Friday, January 15, 2010

The Causes of Am Rev Part 1 Review

Directions: Under each complete the phrase, answer the question, fill in the blank, or define the definition.

Describe the similarities and differences between the British and colonial govs:

The British government was the model for the Colonial government. The British government was not a formal document but a series of law and tradition while the Colonies had a formal document.

Describe why the British gov imposes new taxes on the colonies:

The British officials wanted to change the situation with the governors by taxing colonists to provide governors pay, and also they wanted the colonists to pay debt from the French Indian War.

Describe some of the new taxes imposed by the British gov in the 1760’s:

The sugar act made it so taxes on colonists could not be avoided. The taxes included taxes on pretty much any property as well as printed papers.

Describe the Stamp Act and the colonist response to it:

The Stamp Act required colonists to pay tax on printed material. The colonists angrily protested this tax.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Wars of Empire Review

Directions: Under each complete the phrase, answer the question, fill in the blank, or define the definition.

Why did the British and French fight over the colonies?

The British and French fought over territory.

When go to war over the colonies, what group do the French and the British try to get on their side and Why?

The French and the British both tried to get the Native Americans on their side because they did not have many troops.

Describe the events in the Ohio River Valley that led to the outbreak of war?

The French built Fort Duquesne, so the enraged Brit’s sent George Washington over to evict the French, and though he was successful, he later had to surrender when the French counter attacked.

How do British turn the tide of war?

The British turned the tide of war by using their navy and setting up blockades and cutting off supplies to the French.

Describe Pontiacs Rebellion:

During the summer of 1763, many Indian groups affected by the trade cut off, rebelled and captured several British forts.

Describe the aftermath of the French Indian War:

Indians made peace in return for British restraints on settlers but to few British troops in colonies to enforce restraints.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Colonial Life Review

Colonial Life Review

Directions: Under each complete the phrase, answer the question, fill in the blank, or define the definition.

How were colonial govs set up and how did the Glorious Rev in England affect them?

The people governed themselves under a few conditions set from Mary and William including the colonies would have to aid England.

Describe the slave trade and how it affected the colonies:

Slave trade worked in a triangle cycle where Brittain would ship guns and other equipment to Africa which the Africans traded slaves for, and the slaves were shipped to the states and the states would ship cotton to Britain.

Describe colonial trade and taxes:

Describe the commercial rev in the colonies:

Describe how the enlightenment affected the colonies:

Describe the Great awakening in the colonies:

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Other Settlements Review

Other Settlements Review

Directions: Under each complete the phrase, answer the question, fill in the blank, or define the definition.

Describe initial Spanish exploration of the New World:

The Spanish were in search of gold and other recourses and conquered the Inca’s, Mayan’s, and Aztecs during the process.

Describe Spanish exploration of what would become US including their treatment of Indians:

The Spanish waged war against the natives and massacred many tribes.

Describe French Exploration of the New World:

The French were in search of a “Fountain of Youth”

Describe French founding of New Orleans:

Describe Dutch Exploration in North America:

The Dutch founded modern day New York, and called it New Amsterdam.

Describe the discovery of Pennsylvania:
Pennsylvania was given to a Quaker and it was successful because the land was rich and good for farming.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

New England Settlement Review

New England Settlement Review

Directions: Under each complete the phrase, answer the question, fill in the blank, or define the definition.

Describe the Puritans and why they came to the New World:

Puritans came as settlers to the New World in search of religious freedom. Their goal was to “purify” the Anglican Church.

Describe Puritan Society:

The Puritans set up their ideal society, and did not tolerate other religious differences.

Describe Puritan interaction with the Indians:

The puritans viewed the Indians as savages and wanted to cultivate the Indian’s land.

Describe King Phillip’s War:

Indians began to rebel and won first but their ammunition was soon depleted due to the trade cut off.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

VA Settlement Review

Directions: Under each complete the phrase, answer the question, fill in the blank, or define the definition.

Describe the first attempts at settling in what is the modern day US?

The Spanish and French ignored the East coast so English settlers took advantage of the opportunity, first attempts were led by Walter Releigh who failed to colonize modern day North Carolina.

Why did the colonist settle in Jamestown?

Because the land offered resources.

What Indians did the colonist deal with in Jamestown?

The Powhatan Indians.

What hardships did the people of Jamestown face?

Disease from mosquitoes and other local insects.

What crop beces the one that allows Jamestown to turn a profit?


What are the effects of the Jamestown colonies expansion?
Free land was given to attract more colonist, so as more colonists arrived, war broke out.

Describe Bacon’s Rebellion:

Bacon rebelled against the governor and removed him.